Our Parish Office is located at the entrance of the Urban Center.
When you enter the parking lot (through Kossuth Street), drive towards the front of the church. If you are facing the front of the church, The Urban Center is the building on the right.
Calendar Year 2024 Holidays
Office is closed
Monday, January 1 - New Year's Day/Solemnity of Mary
Monday, January 15, Martin Luther King Day
Monday, February 19- President's Day
Thursday, March 28- Holy Thursday
Friday, March 29 - Good Friday
Monday, May 27- Memorial Day
Thursday, July 4- Independence Day
Monday, September 2 - Labor Day
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day
Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 29- Day After Thanksgiving
Sunday, December 8- Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Wednesday, December 25- Christmas Day (Observed)
Staff Directory
Mr. Javier Barreneche, Parish Secretary (203) 333.2147
Mrs. Marilyn Melgar, Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Mr. Fernando Olivares, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Marielle Ortiz, Parish Sponsors & Events Coordinator
Sandra Fonseca, ParishSoft Coordinator
Mrs. Juana Martinez, Coordinator of RE
Mrs. Dina Otoni Martins, Brazilian Coordinator of RE
Mr. Segundo Ruiz, Confirmation Coordinator of RE & Youth Group
Ms. Fatima Molina, Web Master and Bulletin Editor
Mercedes Jimenez, Saint George's Secretary / 203 335-1797
Mrs. Sally Fernandez, Trustee
Mr. Manuel Olivares, Trustee
Ms. Sara Orozco, Finance Council Chairman